The Meaning of the Station1 Name and Logo
The Station1 Name
Station1 is a dynamic and inclusive place for education - at the crossroads of science, technology, and society - simultaneously moving, pushing boundaries, making connections, but also solidly grounded. Our name, Station1, brings together the qualities of many kinds of “stations” that we already know. It is a point of convergence, a place that facilitates outward motion, one that can react with resilience in times of crisis, and one where diverse teams work together to explore the unknown. Our long-term aspiration is to create a global network of “stations” to further our vision to unite people in an interconnected community that utilizes science and technology to foster peace and prosperity.
The Station1 Logo
For our logo, we aimed to create a design that carries the sentiment of an organization that is shaping the future, but also part of a longer sense of history, or even timelessness. That is how we chose the combination of the clean lines of an art deco inspired font, and curvature of the earth. Station1 is both just beyond the horizon, and also an integrated part of that edge – whether you see the curve as the line between earth and sky, or the earthrise from space – this is the feeling of being a part of what we are creating. That is why the letter “A” is both something that is launching, coming from below the horizon, as well as an entryway that beckons you to venture through.
Creativity, and the kind of exciting, interdisciplinary work that we know is necessary for the future of our society - our planet, needs multiple perspectives working productively together. That is why the “N” and “1” are integrated and placed with a feeling of dimensionality – a combination that can be read together in multiple ways. It makes you wonder if it is a line between the “N” and “1,” or if that negative space is the “1” itself – of course it is both. What brought us here is exactly that balance between creating something that is straightforward and legible, but still leaves room for complexity and unanswered questions.
A condensed version our logo is also below.
We would like to thank Milos Ledjanski for his creativity and professionalism supporting our design process.