Our Vision
People of all backgrounds are inspired and empowered to pursue science and technology to foster an equitable, creative, prosperous, and sustainable world.
A Path to Scale: A Network of Stations
Station1 will operate as a nonprofit organization, implement The Station1 Model, and scale student participation in its programs in the coming years. During this time, Station1 will grow with the inclusion of multiple sites at other cities nationally and internationally. Station1 will also partner and collaborate with existing higher educational institutions in areas related to our mission and vision, that is, new models for learning, novel combinations of digital technologies and vibrant physical places for collaboration, educational technologies specific to the Station1 model, and a postsecondary financial model that will promote access, scalability, and sustainability.
In the long term, Station1 intends to seek a license and accreditation to add degree-granting programs to its portfolio of activities. Our long term vision for Station1 is to create an educational movement where cultural, societal, and disciplinary differences, which might have once been barriers to exchange, now serve to unite people across the nation and the world in an interconnected community that utilizes science and technology to foster equity, sustainability, peace, and prosperity for all of humanity.
“It isn’t all over; everything has not been invented; the human adventure is just beginning.”